Pauline Brumwell

Pauline Brumwell is a GHR Registered Hypnotherapist and UKCP Registered Psychotherapeutic Counsellor. She completed her initial counselling training at The Metanoia Institute in Ealing in 1989. Her hypnotherapy training was with The Academy of Advanced Changework in 2010. 

In addition to her therapeutic work, Pauline has also managed counselling and mental health services – The Feltham Open Door Mental Health Project; The Waterloo Community Counselling Project; and the counselling service for Yorkshire MESMAC – and was, for many years, a volunteer with a variety of telephone helplines, including the Bradford University Nightline and the Bradford and London Friend helplines.

Pauline is a general hypnotherapist and counsellor and can offer help with most issues, including anxiety, depression, trauma, phobias, weight and smoking. She can work using hypnotherapy or counselling separately, or in combination, as requested.